Clear Lake Splash-In | Lakeport, CA | 2023

at the Clear Lake Seaplane Splash-In, Lakeport, Lake County, California
Image ID: AHLC3935
© Herb Lingl/
The 2023 Clear Lake Splash-In takes place Friday, Sept. 22 through Sunday, Sept. 24 in Lakeport, California.
The event features a display of seaplanes, educational seminars and an opportunity to learn about careers in aviation. It draws pilots and people interested in aviation to the Lakeport for the weekend and this year, it has been combined with the Taste in Lakeport food and wine festival to showcase all that Lakeport has to offer.
Clear Lake Splash-In | Lakeport , CA | 2023 features a variety of free seminars, an evening reception with an aviation exhibition, a dinner for pilots and a display of seaplanes coming to Clear Lake for the event.
The Splash-In begins with a Friday evening with a dinner for seaplane pilots at the Lakeport residence of Tom and Ruth Lincoln. Tom Lincoln is the president of the Lake County Airmens Association. Registration for the dinner is available at Seaplane Pilots Dinner.
One of the highlights of the event will occur on Saturday, Sept 23, when a display of participating seaplanes will be held at Lakeport’s Library Park. Seaplanes arriving for the Splash-In include two Cessna 185s on floats, a Cessna 206 on floats, two Grumman Widgeon aircraft, a Lake Buccaneer, a Quicksilver on floats, a SeaMax and a SeaRey.
Saturday also features a full day of seminars about flying seaplanes, obtaining scholarships and career opportunities for young people in aviation.
The seminars take place within walking distance of the displayed seaplanes in the Council Chambers in Lakeport’s City Hall. The seminars are free, but registration is required due to limited seating available in the Council Chambers.
The seminar program is available at: Clear Lake Splash-In Seminar Program.
Registration for the free seminars is available at Clear Lake Splash-In Seminar Registration.
Seaplane pilots interested in participating in this year’s Splash-In can still register to participate at Clear Lake Splash-In Aircraft Registration.
The first 20 pilots who register to participate in the Clear Lake Splash-In will receive a free ticket to the Taste In Lakeport food and wine festival. The festival begins at 5:30pm on Saturday, Sept 23 and is within walking distance of seaplane display. Details about the Taste In Lakeport are available at: Taste In Lakeport.
The Splash-In also features an exhibition at the Historic Courthouse in Lakeport entitled Over Water: An Aviation History of Lake County. The museum is hosting a reception for exhibition from 5-7:00pm on Saturday, September 23. Attending the reception is free but requires registration. Registration for the reception is at Museum Reception Registration.
Pilots who are interested in getting back in the cockpit after a lapse in flying will be interested in the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association’s (AOPA) Rusty Pilots Seminar entitled Getting Back to Flying is Easier Than You Think. This seminar takes place on Sunday, Sept 24 from 9:00 am-12:30 pm at the offices of Esther Formula, USA in the Work Right Building near Lampson Field airport (1O2). This seminar will be lead by Captain Brian Schiff, a 25 year pilot for American Airlines who currently flies the MD-80.
To register for the AOPA seminar with Captain Schiff, please visit:
Getting Back to Flying is Easier Than You Think with Brian Schiff.
More information about the Clear Lake Splash-In | 2023 is available at Clear Lake Splash-In.
The Lakeport Street Main Street Association (LMSA) is producing the Clear Lake Splash-In. The LMSA supports businesses in Lakeport, California by organizing events and seminars that help businesses in Lakeport thrive. To learn more please visit Lakeport Street Main Street Association.
AOPA is the world’s largest community of pilots, aircraft owners and aviation enthusiasts with representatives based in Frederick, MD., Washington, D.C., and seven regions across the United States. To learn more please visit Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.
The Clear Lake Flying Club is producing the Clear Lake Splash-In Seminars. The flying club produces seminars, workshops and aviation events to promote aviation in Lake County, California and provides resources to assist young people in Lake County to pursue career opportunities in aviation. To learn more, please visit the Clear Lake Flying Club.
For additional details about the event, please visit the following web pages:
Clear Lake Splash-In Facebook Page
Clear Lake Flying Club Splash-In Media Release
Photographs of previous Clear Lake Splash-In events are available at: