This aerial photograph showing the Virgin America terminal at the San Francisco International Airport ("SFO") is part of a high resolution aerial photography data set that covers the entire San Francisco Bay Area acquired in 2011. The imagery has a resolution of a 1' pixel -- one pixel or picture element covers one foot on the ground. The imagery is suitable for printing up to an approximate scale of 1"=100'. Included in the coverage of this data set are the following Bay Area counties: San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma and Napa. High resolution satellite imagery is acquired even more frequently. The most recent acquisition of San Francisco has a 50cm pixel resolution and was acquired yesterday, April 19, 2012. Additional recent high resolution satellite imagery of the San Francisco bay area was acquired
April 8 and April 4, 2012.
Image ID: AHLV3608
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