Aerial Photographs of Albuquerque, New Mexico

Image ID: AHLE0980
© Herb Lingl/
An extensive selection of aerial photographs of Albuquerque, New Mexico is available from Aerial Archives.
Included in the collection are detailed aerial views of Albuquerque including its buildings, plazas, stadiums and airport, and overviews of the city.
Among the featured locations are Sandia National Labs, the Kirtland Airforce Base, the Albuquerque International Sunport, the Albuquerque Biological Park, the University of New Mexico stadium, Isotopes baseball park, the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Courthouse, the Downs Racetrack and Casino, the Presbyterian Hospital, the Roy E. Disney Center for Performing Arts and the Canyon Club at Four Hills golf course.
The collection of aerial photographs of Albuquerque, New Mexico also includes views of the Rio Grande river as it passes through Albuquerque.
Also available are current and historical aerial maps of Albuquerque.
The Al Hurricane Pavilion stage is one of the highlights of the Albuquerque Civic Plaza. The Plaza is in the center of the city directly adjacent to the Albuquerque Convention Center.
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